How to update GCP credentials of Ingest Exporter to access Terra staging area

  1. update the secret in aws secrets manager

The secrets to update are for each environment ingest/<env>/secrets. The relevant entry is ingest_exporter_terra_svc_account. In this entry the entries private_key_id and private_key would require changing. A new value will be periodically communicated by whoever managed the keys. Currently it is the Broad.

  1. Go to ingest-kube-deployment local repository
    cd ingest-kube-deployment
  2. Initialise environment vars config
    source config/environment_prod
  3. Go to apps
    cd apps
  4. Redeploy secrets
    make deploy-secrets

    sample output:

    /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make set-context
    kubectx ingest-eks-prod
    Switched to context "ingest-eks-prod".
    kubens prod-environment
    Context "ingest-eks-prod" modified.
    Active namespace is "prod-environment".
    Release "secrets" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: secrets
    LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Mar 10 16:08:22 2022
    NAMESPACE: prod-environment
    STATUS: deployed
    REVISION: 20
    TEST SUITE: None
    Ingest secrets powered by helm charts
  5. Restart exporter.
    kubectl rollout restart deployment ingest-exporter

    sample output:

    deployment.apps/ingest-exporter restarted
  6. Run integration tests in prod (The ingest-to terra test doesn’t run in prod, but it would be nice to run it and be able to delete any test project ) See ticket ebi-ait/dcp-ingest-central#699