Ingest CI/CD
Why this document?
This is a document for summarizing Ingest’s current continuous integration/deployment processes.
Continuous Integration
- On each pull request, the code is built and unit tests for that repository run in gitlab.
- see the gitlab-ci.yml on each repo that links to the common template
- Every day, Ingest-specific integration tests are run through Gitlab for all environments except production.
Continuous Deployment
Changes are automaticall deployed in the following scenarios:
- to dev environment - Merging a pull request to dev branch
- to staging environment - merging to master branch
Deployment to the prod envoronment is done by triggering the “deploy to prod” job.
Background Material about gitlab and CI/CD
Setting up a new repository for CI/CD
GitLab Docs: Using GitLab CI/CD with a GitHub repository
- Ingest Service Deployment Via Gitlab - More information on deploying components through Gitlab.