Upload Service

Development Notes

Configuring Environment for Existing Deployment

Setting up local environment requires exactly the following versions of the following tools:

  • Terraform v0.11.13

    To easily facilitate switching between versions of Terraform, consider installing tools like tfswtich.

  • Python 3.6

    For switching Python environments, use tools like pyenv, virtualenv, etc. or combinations of such.

Setting Up the environment

  1. Clone or add remote reference to the Upload Service repository.
  2. Install required Python modules.
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  1. Apply environment config:
  source config/environment <dev|staging|prod>
  1. Go to terraform/envs/<dev|staging|prod>.
  2. Retrieve previously defined Terraform variables:
  make retrieve-vars
  1. Finally, initialise local Terraform installation:
  make init

Making changes to terraform config

  1. After making changes to terraform config, go to terraform dir
    cd  <base-dir>/upload-service/terraform
    make apply
  2. Test the changes
  3. Go to terraform/envs/<dev|staging|prod>
    make upload-vars