How to force set a submission state

From Complete to Graph Valid

  1. Get the token from Ingest UI in the browser via developer console network. Look for GET requests to GET/account and check the Authorization header bearer token, copy the jwt token.

  2. Force set submission to be in Graph Valid state, so that it can be submitted again

  3. Get the commitGraphValid link from submission hal doc resource _links.commitGraphValid.href

     curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"<submission-id>/commitGraphValidEvent
  4. Restart the state tracker. Make sure your aws creds token is updated and not expired. Get aws cli credentials from

    cd to your local workspace directory for ingest-kube-deployment repo

     cd ingest-kube-deployment

    Set kubectx to point to correct env cluster

     kubectx ingest-eks-prod

    Source environment config file

     source config/environment_prod

    Restart pod

     kubectl rollout restart deployment ingest-state-tracking