Granting WRANGLER access to Ingest UI

To give a registered user (via Ingest UI) a WRANGLER access in Ingest:

  1. SSH into mongo pod
    $ kubectx ingest-eks-prod
    $ source config/environment_prod
    $ kubectl exec -it mongo-0 -- sh
  2. Start mongo shell
    $ mongo
  3. Point to admin db
    $ use admin
  4. Find account by name Query all and inspect result
    > db.account.find()

    OR filter the result by name

    > db.account.find({name: {$regex: "Ray"}})
  5. Copy account object id and use it in the update query
    > db.account.update({ "_id" : { $in:[ObjectId("5ece3464ec0680746267e784")]}}, {$set: {"roles": ["CONTRIBUTOR", "WRANGLER"]}} )