Add an entry to our secrets that is stored on AWS

The below steps assume that you have the correct account privileges in AWS.

  1. Log in to your HCA’s AWS account
  2. Make sure that you are at the right AWS region otherwise you won’t able to see/manage our secrets stored in the Secret Manager. The region should be set to: us-east-1 (N. Virginia)
  3. Go to Secrets Manager. You can do it with any of the follong way:
    • click Secrets Manager on the recently visited links section if it is not your first time,
    • select the Services drop-down and in the Security, Identity, & Compliance section click on Secrets Manager link,
    • Type Secters Manager into the search bar and click on the appearing Secrets Manager link
  4. Click on the Secrets option on the left hand side menu bar
  5. Depending on which environment you would like to add the new secret you should type ingest/{ENV_NAME}/secrets to the search bar where ENV_NAME is a placeholder and can be the following values: dev, staging and prod.
  6. Click on the name of the secret, for example ingest/dev/secrets.
  7. Scroll down to the Secret value section and click on the Retrieve secret value button.
  8. Click on the Edit button and add your secrets as key/value pairs.
  9. When you finished adding all your new secrets click on the Save button to store it.

You can find the official AWS documentation on how to update secrets here.

Add a secret to the deployment as environment variable

  1. Modify the deployment.yaml file under apps/<APPLICATION_NAME>/templates folder, where APPLICATION_NAME reflects the name of the application the secrets will be used
  2. Adds your secret under the environment variables (spec.template.spec.containers.env). Define the name and value of your environment variable. If the value comes from AWS secret manager then use this format:
       - name: ENV_VARIABLE_NAME
         key: SERVICE-PASSWORD
         name: secret-name

Add secret to the deployment configuration

  1. Modify the deploy_secrets shell script under the scripts folder and add your secret value below the get_secret method call and after the helm upgrade secrets secrets\ line as you can see it the script.

Define your secret in the deployment template

  1. Modify the deployment.yaml file under secrets/templates folder.

Deploy the new secret value

  1. Go to the apps folder
  2. Execute the following command in the command line:

make deploy-secrets