Create Create wrangler user in the wrangling EC2 instance

Wranglers need access to the hca-wrangler-tools-ec2 and a developer must give them this. The below steps assume that you have the correct account privileges in AWS.

  1. login to AWS console
  2. Copy the value of ingest/tool/wrangler/ec2 in AWS secrets manager.
  3. Paste that value into a new SSH key in your machine (e.g. ~/.ssh/WranglerAdmin.pem). Make sure the contents of this file are correctly formatted.
  4. Ask the wrangler for their desired username
  5. Ask the wrangler for their public SSH key
    • ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "WRANGLER_USERNAME" to generate public/private key pair
    • Note: private keys should never be transmitted over insecure protocols.
  6. SSH into the ec2 instance using ssh -i "PATH_TO_FILE_IN_STEP_2"
  7. Run sudo ./ and follow the steps
  8. Check and add the user created to group docker
    • getent group
    • usermod -a -G docker "WRANGLER_USERNAME"
  9. Instruct the wrangler to try ssh In case the wrangler has multiple ssh keys on their system, they could try ssh -i "PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY_GENERATED_IN_STEP_4"