Ingest release process




Pushing changes from dev, through staging, into production

  1. Create feature branch based from dev
  2. Commit your changes
  3. Create a pull request (PR) to dev
  4. Ensure unit tests and build steps are passing in GitLab for the project you’re working on
    • These will be reported in the PR UI in Github
  5. Get approvals from two other devs on the PR
  6. Merge PR
  7. Ensure deploy and integration tests in dev environment are passed in GitLab for the project
    1. Go to the CI/CD/pipelines section on the relevant project (e.g. ingest-core) in gitlab
  8. Merge dev to master
    • git fetch && git checkout dev && git pull && git checkout master && git pull && git merge dev && git push
  9. Ensure deploy and integration tests in staging environment are passed in GitLab for the project
  10. Check deployment in staging and consult with wranglers for feedback if neccesary
  11. Check with the team if it is okay to deploy this feature to production.
  12. Deploy what’s on staging to prod via the operations panel in GitLab
    1. Navigate to GitLab > project your're working on > Deployments > Environments
    2. Click “Deploy to” next to the staging environment
    3. In the dropdown, select “Release prod”
    4. Wait for the “Release prod” stage to complete (you can track the progress on the “CI/CD” page)
    5. In the Environments page, select “Deploy to” again and then select the “Deploy prod” task in the dropdown
    6. Track the deployment in the CI/CD page
  13. Ensure your changes are live on prod
    • You may used the kubectl get pods command to check this
    • Consult with these docs for further information on setting up kubectl

Manually deploying without GitLab

You can manually deploy using the ingest-kube-deployment repo if GitLab is down and the deployment is urgent. This should only be done in an emergency and GitLab should be fixed preferentially.

Deploying manually will disable all of the GitLab tracking features so that the Operations > Environments page is no longer functional. A subsequent deployment via GitLab will return things to the normal state.

  1. Tag the commit you want to deploy with the git release tool.
    • will automatically build tagged commits
  2. Find the tag of the built image.
    • You will need the full URL e.g.
    • Use this in the next step
  3. Follow the steps here to deploy the built image.

Details on GitLab pipeline

Shared config

All of the projects use this template for their CI pipelines. This template can be customized on a per-project basis if neccesary. In most cases, the only addition needed is to override the Unit Test stage to run the project’s unit tests.


<feature branch> Unit Test -> Build

<dev branch> Unit Test -> Build -> Release dev -> Deploy dev -> Integration dev

<master branch> Unit Test -> Build -> Release staging -> Deploy staging -> Integration staging
                                      Release prod (manual) -> Deploy prod (manual) -> Integration prod

Unit tests and build steps are ran on a feature branch when there is an open PR for that branch. A deployment to staging will be done for every commit to master and a deployment to prod must be triggered manually via the GitLab UI.

Image releases

The CI/CD pipeline publishes images to Images are first tagged with the shortened commit hash and then retagged as <environment>-<short commit hash>-<date>.<timestamp> (e.g. prod-33242e93-16-04-2021.1618577888) for a release. This tag is what is deployed to the environments.

Kubernetes deployments

GitLab is integrated with the kubernetes cluster and you can see the status of the clusters and configure them here.

Deployments are done in the pipeline by cloning the ingest-kube-deployment repo, sourcing the config files to get the replica counts, and deploying via helm.