Problem: submission stuck in “Submitted”
- Find the submission ID
- Clicking on the See Ingest API JSON button will take you to Submission Envelope
- The url will be something like
- Find the Export Job List for the submission
- /submissionEnvelopes/id/exportJobs
- Find the Export Job ID for the latest export Job
- this latest one is the one with the highest number exportJob[X]
- The ID is listed in the self / exportJob link
- Use the gcloud cli to monitor the transfer
- todo: write a tutorial on downloading and configuring the gcloud cli
gcloud transfer jobs monitor 6333167779c78d5fd8f7d099
- Should return something link the following example when the file transfer is still in progress
Polling for latest operation name...done. Operation name: transferJobs-6333167779c78d5fd8f7d099-1664292478189663 Parent job: 6333167779c78d5fd8f7d099 Start time: 2022-09-27T15:27:58.227188389Z IN_PROGRESS | 91% (78.8GiB of 86.3GiB) | Skipped: 0B | Errors: 0 -