Problem: submission stuck in “Exporting”


  • Submissions can encounter errors/issues during exporting. The submission state can get stuck in “Exporting” and there’s no way for user to know what’s happening.
  • see ticket

Steps to troubleshoot:

  1. Go to your local workspace of ingest-kube-deployment
    • Make sure your access to Ingest EKS clusters are setup correctly. Please follow the repo’s README.
  2. Errored export messages should now be added to the Error Queue for invesitgation
    • ingest.exporter.errored.queue
       cd ingest-kube-deployment
       source config/environment_prod
       kubectl port-forward rabbit-0 15672:15672
    • Rabbit Management Console
    • View the messages in the queue without acknowledging them to give you id’s that you can use in your log investigation
    • If the errors are due to temporary problems you can move the messages back to their original queue to be reprocessed.
    • More information will be added here as we use this diagnostic path
  3. Check the ingest-exporter logs to see if there are failed messages in the exporter.
    • using stern
       cd ingest-kube-deployment
       source config/environment_prod
       stern ingest-exporter
    • or graphana
      • usefull query: {container=~"ingest-.*"} |= "<submission-uuid>"
  4. Investigate what the cause of the failure is.
  5. Check whether Submission is Actually Exported
    1. count metadata by type on the staging area
       gsutil ls -r gs://broad-dsp-monster-hca-prod-ebi-storage/prod/<project-uuid>/metadata | grep -v /: | cut -d/ -f7 | sed -r '/^\s*$/d' | uniq -c | sort -k2,2
    2. compare to ingest api:
    3. Check whether Required Changes are visible in the Staging Area
    4. Check the entities you know were supposed to change.

Common Exporter Failures and how to solve them

Error: There’s a failed request to GCP file transfer status.

Fix: Delete pod, and let a new pod reprocess the failed message

Error: A common failure is when an exporter process timed out waiting for the data transfer from GCP.

Fix: By design, there will always be only one to trigger and wait for the GCP File transfer job to finish. If that process failed, the job status should be checked manually and the exportJob entity context property must be patched to indicate that the file transfer has finished for that submission.

To see the export jobs:<submission-object-id>/exportJobs

The export job entity must be patched:

   "context": {
      "totalAssayCount": <assay-count>,
      "isDataTransferComplete": true

To check the GCP file transfer status, you can use the script