HCA Ingest Documentation

Ingest Architecture

How to update the diagram ?

This diagram is generated using diagrams.net. The .drawio file is found in AIT Shared drive AIT > HCA Ingest > Documentation > Ingest Service_v2.drawio To embed, go to File > Embed > HTML... create and copy the html and paste in this .md file.

Follow config when creating the html to embed:

  • Links: Select Open in New Window
  • Lightbox > Select Edit: Custom - link to actual draw.io file

Keep the pages updated

If you find any documentation outdated, please feel free to update and create a PR.

If you need more time to update, please mark the page outdated to help readers know if the page is already outdated.

Add the following snippet on top of the page.

{: .label .label-red }

This should add the “NEEDS UPDATING” red label


About this documentation

This documentation uses just-the-docs as the remote theme of the Github Pages of the hca-ebi-dev-team repository.