Extract all text to ontology mappings from one or more submissions in ingest

TODO: Check if this will work for current ingest or how to modify to make it work

Pre-requisites and installation

  • python 3
  • pip
  • python requests module (install via pip install requests - only needed once!)


Edit the script by putting the submission envelope IDs for the submissions you want to extract mappings from into the empty array at the very bottom of the script:

# -----> PUT YOUR ENVELOPE IDs IN HERE <---------
    envelope_ids = []

If you don’t want the output file to have the default file name, you can also edit this.

Run the script in the command line using

python3 ontology_mappings_extractor.py

Once the output file has been generated, remove duplicate entries from the file by running

sort all_mappings.txt | uniq > all_mappings_unique.txt