HCA to SCEA Guide

Please note: this is not a tool to generate a perfect set of SCEA idf and sdrf files automatically. It speeds up the process by part automation but manual curation is an important part of the process.

Checking suitability for submission to SCEA

SCEA has suitability criteria for submitting single-cell datasets to their platform. Some dataset types are not eligible for SCEA, whereas some dataset types are eligibile for SCEA but they must be submitted as multiple separate datasets with different SCEA study accessions. Some datasets are fully eligible for SCEA and can be submitted as a single dataset.

Please note, in addition to below, there are also eligibility guidelines documented by the SCEA team here. If you have any doubts, you can also double-check with the SCEA team on the AIT slack channel #hca-to-scea

Firstly, the eligibility criteria for submission to SCEA is outlined below. Next, the suitability criteria to successfully run the hca2scea tool is outlined. Please note that some datasets will not be suitable as input to the hca2scea tool even if they are eligible for submission to SCEA. This is due to certain limitations of the tool when dealing with complex experiment designs.

Project level eligibility criteria

  • The dataset has been submitted to HCA DCP. You will need the project uuid and HCA DCP release date as input to the script.

Technology type eligibility criteria

  • The dataset should consist of data generated by at least 1 type of single-cell RNA sequencing technology in the following list of eligible technology types: 10X v2, 10X v3, Drop-seq, Smart-seq2, Smart-like, Seq-Well

  • The dataset should consist of data generated from at most 1 single-cell RNA sequencing technology type. If the data is derived from more than 1 single-cell sequencing type, the dataset must be split into datasets separated by technology type and submitted with separate E-HCAD-ids.

  • 10X Visium technology is eligible.

  • Bulk RNA sequencing libraries are not eligible.

Sample type eligibility criteria

  • The dataset must consist of data generated from at most 1 species. If the data is derived from more than 1 species, the dataset must be split into datasets separated by species and submitted with separate E-HCAD-ids.

  • Primary specimens, Organoids, iPSCs and hESCs are eligible sample types and can be submitted in a single dataset.

  • Pooled donors, samples or iPSC/hESC cell lines are eligible.

Data availability criteria

  • The full path to fastq files or SRA object files should be available for all the dataset run accessions. The script will attempt to find these and input them in the sdrf file automatically. Datasets with only raw data in bam file format are not currently eligible. Datasets with only a gene expression matrix are not eligible.

Checking suitability of input to the hca2scea tool

Some types of dataset that are suitable for submission to SCEA are not suitable as input to the hca2scea tool. The dataset may require modifying or splitting into separate spreadsheets in order to successfully run the hca2scea tool.

Project level

  • The input spreadsheet consists of the filled Project level tabs.

Technology type

  • The dataset must consist of data generated by at least 1 type of single-cell RNA sequencing technology in the following list of eligible technology types: 10X v2, 10X v3, Drop-seq, Smart-seq2, Smart-like, Seq-Well

  • The dataset must consist of data generated from at most 1 single-cell RNA sequencing technology type. If the data is derived from more than 1 single-cell sequencing type, the dataset must be split into datasets separated by technology type and run through the hca2scea tool with separate E-HCAD-ids.

  • The dataset must consist of at most 1 10X version to be run through the tool. However, SCEA accepts datasets with multiple 10X versions. The hca2scea tool must be run separately for each version and the resulting data files can then be merged before submission to SCEA.

  • The hca-to-scea tool does not currently support 10X Visium technology (or other spatial data).

  • Bulk RNA sequencing libraries are not eligible.

Sample type

  • The input spreadsheet must consist of data generated from at most 1 species. If the data is derived from more than 1 species, the dataset must be split into spreadsheets separated by species and run through the tool separately with different E-HCAD-ids. The resulting datasets must then be submitted to SCEA separately.

  • If the input spreadsheet consists of organoid or iPSC sample types, the dataset is eligible as input to the hca2scea tool so long as all cell suspensions are derived from the same biomaterial type. If there are multiple input biomaterial types, the dataset is eligible for SCEA but the spreadsheet must be split by the input biomaterial type before running the hca2scea tool separately. The output files can then be manually merged before submission to scea.

  • The hca2scea tool does not accept pooled biomaterials (e.g. pooled donors, specimens or cell suspensions). Pooled samples must be removed from the input spreadsheet for the hca2scea tool to run successfully. They can be added to the resulting SCEA MAGE-TAB files manually after running the hca2scea tool.

Data availability

  • The full path to fastq files or SRA object files should be available for the dataset run accessions. The script will attempt to find these and input them in the sdrf file automatically. Datasets with only raw data in bam file format are not currently eligible. Datasets with only a gene expression matrix are not eligible.

Running the hca2scea tool on EC2


The hca-to-scea tool is installed on EC2. If you’re a new team member and you need access to EC2 or permissions to run the tool, please speak with Amnon, our technical coordinator, or another HCA developer.

Copying your HCA spreadsheet to EC2

In order to use the hca-to-scea tool on EC2, you will need to copy your input HCA spreadsheet there, for example in your home folder. An example command to do this:

scp -i [OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY file path] [path to spreadsheet] [username]@tool.archive.data.humancellatlas.org:/home/[username]

Setting the environment on EC2

Go to the hca-to-scea-tools directory and activate the environment.

cd /data/tools/hca-to-scea-tools/hca2scea-backend
source venv/bin/activate


The easiest way might be to copy the example below, and replace the arguments as necessary whilst referring to this readme.

python3 hca2scea.py -s [spreadsheet (xlsx)] -id [hca project uuid] -study [study accession (SRPxxx)] -name {cs_name,cs_id,sp_name,sp_id,other} -ac [accession number] -c [curator initials] -et [experiment type] -f [factor values] -pd [dataset publication date] -hd [hca last update date] -o [output dir]


Required arguments only

python3 hca2scea.py -s /home/aday/GSE111976-endometrium_MC_SCEA.xlsx -id 379ed69e-be05-48bc-af5e-a7fc589709bf -study SRP135922 -ac 50 -c AD -et differential -f menstrual cycle day -pd 2021-06-29 -hd 2021-02-12

Specify optional name argument

python3 hca2scea.py -s /home/aday/GSE111976-endometrium_MC_SCEA.xlsx -id 379ed69e-be05-48bc-af5e-a7fc589709bf -study SRP135922 -name cs_name -ac 50 -c AD -et differential -f menstrual cycle day -pd 2021-06-29 -hd 2021-02-12

Specify optional output dir

python3 hca2scea.py -s /home/aday/GSE111976-endometrium_MC_SCEA.xlsx -id 379ed69e-be05-48bc-af5e-a7fc589709bf -study SRP135922 -ac 50 -c AD -et differential -f menstrual cycle day -pd 2021-06-29 -hd 2021-02-12 -o my_output_dir


How to choose an E-HCAD accession number

Please check the tracker sheet for the next suitable E-HCAD accession number. Please ensure the E-HCAD id you choose is unique and not already present in the tracker sheet. It should be the next consecutive number after the maximum number in the sheet.


If accessions E-HCAD1 to E-HCAD32 have already been assigned to datasets, the next accession number would be 33.

Arguments table

Argument Argument name Description Required?
-s HCA spreadsheet Path to HCA spreadsheet (.xlsx) yes
-id HCA project uuid This is added to the ‘secondary accessions’ field in idf file yes
-c Curator initials HCA Curator initials. Space-separated list. yes
-ac accession number Provide an SCEA accession number (integer). yes
-et Experiment type Must be 1 of [differential,baseline] yes
-f Factor value A space-separated list of user-defined factor values e.g. age disease yes
-pd Dataset publication date provide in YYYY-MM-DD E.g. from GEO yes
-hd HCA last update date provide in YYYY-MM-DD The last time the HCA project was updated in ingest UI (production) yes
-study study accession (SRPxxx) The study accession will be used to find the paths to the fastq files for the given runs yes
-name HCA name field Which HCA field to use for the biomaterial names columns. Must be 1 of no
    [cs_name, cs_id, sp_name, sp_id, other] where cs indicates cell suspension and sp indicates  
    specimen from organism. Default is cs_name.  
-o optional argument An output dir path can optionally be provided. If it does not exist, it will be created. no


Factor values

A factor value is a chosen experimental characteristic which can be used to group or differentiate samples. Multiple factor values can be entered and should be chosen from the following list.

  • Known disease(s)
  • Development stage
  • Sampling time point
  • Organ
  • Organ part
  • Selected cell type(s)
  • Individual

There must be at least 1 factor value. If you cannot identify a factor value i.e. all donors and samples share the same metadata with respect to the above list of factor values, then enter ‘Individual’.

Experiment type

An experiment with samples which can be grouped or differentiatied by a factor value is classified as ‘differential’. The list of possible factor values can be found above.

If 1 or more factor values other than ‘Individual’ is identified, then the experiment type should be ‘Differential’. If the only factor value is ‘Individual’, then the experiment type should be ‘Baseline’.


The script will output an idf file and an sdrf file named with the same new E-HCAD-id. These files will be written into a new folder: ./hca2scea-backend/script_spreadsheets/<spreadsheet_name>/.

You will then need to copy them to your local desktop to further manually curate them. Please delete the folder from the above directory once you have done this. An example command to do this is below. It must be run from the terminal on your local desktop, not from inside EC2:

scp -i [OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY file path] [username]@tool.archive.data.humancellatlas.org:/home/tools/hca-to-scea-tools/hca2scea-backend/script_spreadsheets/[your output dir] [local folder path] 

Alternatively, see here for tips on how to do this.

Record assigned E-HCAD ID

At this point you should enter the newly assigned E-HCAD id(s) (e.g. E-HCAD-33) into the tracker sheet. Please enter in all relevent accession columns to make sure they are visible to other wranglers when they select the next E-HCAD accession number for their dataset.

Please also note the E-HCAD id in the dataset ticket in the HCA Dataset Wrangling Zenhub board and manage the SCEA curation status of your dataset using the SCEA wrangling Zenhub board.

Manually curate the output

Some curation is required to be done manually.

If you get stuck, it might be worth first looking here for examples of idf and sdrf files as a guide.

Update idf file

Additional fields that are not yet automated by the hca2sceal tool are:

  • Comment[EAAdditionalAttributes]

You should add a tab separated list of key variables of interest for display in the SCEA visualisation tool. Add ‘individual’, ‘sex’ and ‘age’ if these columns are filled in the sdrf file. If ‘sex’ or ‘age’ are empty columns, add only ‘individual’.


Comment[EAAdditionalAttributes] individual sex age Comment[EAAdditionalAttributes] individual

Check idf format

File format

The following should be separated by a tab:

  • a field name and corresponding value(s)
  • values in a list of values
  • empty values in a list

The following should be separated by a space

  • multiple words within a single string




Person First Name[tab][author1 first name][tab][author2 first name][tab][author3 first name][tab][author4 first name] Person Email[tab][author1 email][tab][author2 email][tab][tab][author4 email]

Check that there is no extra white space (empty lines) at the end of the file. This will cause validation errors.

Valid Protocol Types

Valid protocol types are:

sample collection protocol, enrichment protocol, growth protocol, treatment protocol, nucleic acid library construction protocol, nucleic acid sequencing protocol

Hca2scea Protocol type map:

HCA Protocol Type SCEA Protocol Type
Collection protocol sample collection protocol
Dissociation protocol enrichment protocol
Enrichment protocol enrichment protocol
Differentiation protocol growth protocol
treatment protocol treatment protocol
Library preparation protocol nucleic acid library construction protocol
Sequencing protocol nucleic acid sequencing protocol

Protocol Type format

  • The protocol Name should be ordered by number
  • The protocol Type and Description order must reflect the Name order
  • Aim to simplify every protocol description to no more than 2 sentences. The SCEA team prefer the protocols have general and short descriptions with less extensive detail

Update sdrf file

Additional fields that are not automated by the hca2sceal tool are:

  • Factor Values. You will need to add new factor value columns to the file. These should be the last column(s) in the table. The columns should be filled with the factor value(s) that you selected earlier (See above for the Definition of “Factor Value”).
  • The factor value column names should be “Factor Value[column name]”, where the column name is the selected Factor value of interest.


“Factor Value[disease]” “Factor Value[sampling site]”

Check sdrf format

File paths

We do not need to send raw data files to SCEA. The script will try to automatically enter fastq file paths for each given run accession in the sdrf file. If it is not able to obtain fastq paths, it will try to enter SRA Object file paths. If none are available, it will return the sdrf file leaving the file columns empty. If you find that the file columns are empty, you will need to update the file columns with file names and file paths manually. You could search for the file paths in the NCBI SRA database and/or ENA database. You will need to delete any unused empty columns.

Download paths

  • All download paths should start with ‘http://’ or ‘ftp://’. If you find an ftp path, it should start with the following: “ftp://ftp.” The script accounts for this.

  • Download paths should not be aws or google cloud paths i.e. file paths with ‘s3://’ and ‘gs://’. The script checks for this.

Column names

Below are examples of the file column names which should be included in the sdrf and thier order, given alternative file availability scenarios.

Fastq paths were found

N.B. the script checks for a minimum of both read1 and read2 file paths.

Comment[read1 file] Comment[FASTQ_URI] Comment[read2 file] Comment[FASTQ_URI] Comment[index1 file] Comment[FASTQ_URI]
example_R1.fastq.gz [path]/example_R1.fastq.gz example_R2.fastq.gz [path]/example_R2.fastq.gz example_I1.fastq.gz [path]/example_I1.fastq.gz


Comment[read1 file] Comment[FASTQ_URI] Comment[read2 file] Comment[FASTQ_URI]
example_R1.fastq.gz [path]/example_R1.fastq.gz example_R2.fastq.gz [path]/example_R2.fastq.gz

Fastq paths were not found

Comment[read1 file] Comment[read2 file] Comment[SRA_URI]
SRR8448139_1.fastq SRR8448139_2.fastq SRR8448139

SRA paths were not found

  • The script will leave the file columns empty. You will need to delete any unused empty columns.*
Comment[read1 file] Comment[FASTQ_URI] Comment[read2 file] Comment[FASTQ_URI] Comment[SRA_URI]

Protocol Type format

  • The Protocol Type columns should all have the same column name: Protocol REF
  • All Protocol Type columns should be grouped together in the table, except, the sequencing Protocol REF column should be separate and follow technology type columns
  • The name of the protocol REF ids in the idf file should match the Protocol IDs in the Protocol REF columns in the sdrf
  • The order of the protocol REF ids in the idf file should match the order of the Protocol REF columns in the sdrf
  • Each SCEA Protocol Type should have a single column: multiple protocol ids for the Protocol Type should be included in the same column


Project description

Single-cell sequencing libraries were generated from 4 samples and sequenced. Samples 1 and 3 were collected from Human Lungs postmortem. Samples 2 and 4 were collected as biopsy samples from the kidneys of living humans during surgery. This resulted in 2 collection protocol ids: P-HCAD54-1 and P-HCAD54-2. All samples were dissociated by enzymatic dissociation: P-HCAD54-3. Samples 1 and 3 were subsequently enriched by cell size selection: P-HCAD54-4. Samples 2 and 4 were not subjected to an enrichment protocol. All samples were used for single cell library generation: P-HCAD54-5 and sequecing: P-HCAD54-6.

idf Protocol metadata

Protocol Type sample collection protocol sample collection protocol enrichment protocol enrichment protocol nucleic acid library construction protocol nucleic acid sequencing protocol

Protocol Name P-HCAD54-1 P-HCAD54-2 P-HCAD54-3 P-HCAD54-4 P-HCAD54-5 P-HCAD54-6

sdrf Protocol metadata

Source Name Protocol REF Protocol REF Protocol REF Protocol REF   Protocol REF
Sample1 P-HCAD54-1 P-HCAD54-3 P-HCAD54-4 P-HCAD54-5   P-HCAD54-6
Sample2 P-HCAD54-2 P-HCAD54-3   P-HCAD54-5   P-HCAD54-6
Sample3 P-HCAD54-1 P-HCAD54-3 P-HCAD54-4 P-HCAD54-5   P-HCAD54-6
Sample4 P-HCAD54-2 P-HCAD54-3   P-HCAD54-5   P-HCAD54-6

Saving the files

  • Make sure you save the idf file and sdrf file as a tab-delimited .txt file
  • Make sure you remove any empty lines/spaces at the end of the file. They will cause validation errors.


There are 2 validation steps for SCEA: a python validator and perl validator. In Silvie’s words: “the perl script checks the mage-tab format in general (plus some curation checks etc) and the the python script mainly checks for single-cell expression atlas specific fields and requirements”.

Python Validator

Installing the tool

It is not possible to get this validation tool set-up globally in the /data/tools folder on EC2. It will need to be installed locally or in your home directory on EC2. If you follow the install instructions detailed here: https://pypi.org/project/atlas-metadata-validator/ you should be able to get it installed and running.

Running the tool

python atlas_validation.py path/to/test.idf.txt -sc -hca -v

N.B. The tool will automatically detect the sdrf file given the idf filename prefix.

  • The experiment type should be set by specifying the optional argument: -sc
  • The data file and URI checks may take a long time. Hence there is an option to skip these checks with -x
  • Verbose logging can be activated with the optional argument: -v
  • Invoke the special validation rules for HCA-imported experiments using the optional -hca argument

Error types

  • An error message(s) will be printed, if an error is encountered
  • An example of a successful validation looks like this:


Perl validator

Installing the tool

It is not possible to get this validation tool set-up globally in the /data/tools folder on EC2. It will need to be installed locally or in your home directory on EC2.mIf you follow the below install instructions you should be able to get it installed and running on EC2.

  1. Install Anaconda if you don’t have it already and the Anaconda directory to your path
  2. Configure conda by typing the following at the terminal:
    conda config --add channels defaults
    conda config --add channels bioconda
    conda config --add channels conda-forge
  3. Install the perl atlas module in a new environment:
    conda create -n perl-atlas-test -c ebi-gene-expression-group perl-atlas-modules
  4. Activate the environment:
    conda activate perl-atlas-test

    Running the tool

  5. Copy the validate_magetab.pl perl script into your home or other directory where you will run the tool, it can be found on EC2 in the /data/tools/scea-perl-atlas-validator folder.

  6. Ensure your idf file and sdrf file is in the same folder. The tool will automatically detect the sdrf file given the idf filename prefix.

  7. Run the script:
      perl path-to/validate_magetab.pl -i <idf-file>

    Error types

  • An error message should appear next to specific error codes, e.g. SC-E03, SC-E04, SC-E02, SC-E05, GEN-E06. If there is no error message, please ask the scea team what this error means on the hca-to-scea slack channel, and record it in this SOP.
  • The tool will return an error message saying that the HCA bundle UUID and HCA bundle version are not specified. You can ignore this error.
  • An error message saying ‘Additional attribute “ “ not found in SDRF’ is likely causes by extra white space, tabs or empty lines in the input files.

Where to send the files for review?

We do not need to send SCEA the raw data files. The file paths should be in the sdrf file. They will use the filepaths to obtain the raw data.

HCA curators

We now have a within-team secondary review process. Please move the dataset ticket to the new ‘secondary review’ column in the SCEA Zenhub Board and add a link to your idf and sdrf files. Please assign Ami as the secondary reviewer for now. This helps to highlight further areas for improvement of the hca2scea tool and the SOP.

SCEA curators

You should ask for access to the SCEA gitlab repo (https://gitlab.ebi.ac.uk/ebi-gene-expression/scxa-metadata), if you do not already have access. This is where we log in and upload the idf and sdrf files.

Once logged in, create a new branch from the master branch found here: https://gitlab.ebi.ac.uk/ebi-gene-expression/scxa-metadata/-/tree/master and name the new branch with the E-HCAD id you have assigned to the dataset. You should create a separate branch and folder for each E-HCAD dataset you upload.

Then, in the Gitlab HCAD directory in your new branch (https://gitlab.ebi.ac.uk/ebi-gene-expression/scxa-metadata/-/tree/master/HCAD) you will need to create a new folder named with the E-HCAD ID (e.g. E-HCAD-20) and upload the idf and sdrf files inside this new folder. Make sure you delete any .gitignore files that appear in the folder, if any.

Once done, you should create a merge request for the branch, and ensure an SCEA reviewer is tagged. It will by default assign an SCEA approver to the merge request, so you do not need to tag 1 of the SCEA curators yourself. For the merge request, adding a message like “Added new idf and sdrf files for accession E-HCAD-[number]” is fine.

You will recieve automated emails once you create the merge request. They will likely say that the pipeline has failed. The SCEA team will review the files and get back to us with comments, or if the pipeline passes the merge request will be approved. You will need to update the files in response to their feedback.

Ticket management

Once your dataset has been approved in Gitlab, you can close the ticket inside the Zenhub SCEA Review column.

Installing validators for SCEA tools onto Wranglers’ EC2 instance

  • Expression Atlas metadata validator (Python app)

  1. Clone the gitlab repository from https://github.com/ebi-gene-expression-group/atlas-metadata-validator
    git clone https://github.com/ebi-gene-expression-group/atlas-metadata-validator /data/tools/scea-python-atlas-validator
  2. Go to the created folder: cd /data/tools/scea-python-atlas-validator
  3. Change the group ownership to the wranglers group: sudo chgrp wranglers /data/tools/scea-python-atlas-validator -R
  4. Create a virtual environment: virtualenv -p python3.7 venv
  5. Activate it: source venv/bin/activate
  • MAGE-TAB validator (Perl script)

  1. Install Anaconda for multi-user. Follow the instructions here: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/multi-user/#multi-user-anaconda-installation-on-linux (For the user group use the wranglers user group.)
  2. Configure conda by typing the following at the terminal:
    conda config --add channels defaults
    conda config --add channels bioconda
    conda config --add channels conda-forge
  3. Install the perl atlas module in a new environment:
    conda create -n perl-atlas-test -c ebi-gene-expression-group perl-atlas-modules
  4. Activate the environment:
    conda activate perl-atlas-test
  5. Use the validate_magetab.pl_ _perl script from scripts/validate_magetab in this repo.


Installing on your local machine

You will need python3 installed, if you don’t have it, install from Python’s webpage

To install the tool on your local machine:

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/ebi-ait/hca-to-scea-tools.git
    cd hca-to-scea-tools/
  2. Install the application by running
    cd hca2scea-backend