Archiving instructions

Table of contents

  1. Steps
    1. Step 1: Submit for Archiving
    2. Step 2 - Submit project, study, samples and sequencing experiments using the Archiver and DSP service
      1. Before using the Archiver service
      2. Archiver endpoints
      3. Using the Archiver service
    3. Step 3 - Submit sequencing runs directly to ENA


Archiving steps

Step 1: Submit for Archiving

  1. Once the data files are uploaded and the submission has been validated, the submission should be listed as Graph Valid.
  2. On the Submit tab, click the Submit Button.
  3. The submission will be marked as Processing as it maps the experimental graph
  4. Once finished, the submission will be marked as: Archiving
    1. Please now poke your #hca-operations buddies to continue the process below by Archiving the Metadata to DSP.

Step 2 - Submit project, study, samples and sequencing experiments using the Archiver and DSP service

Before using the Archiver service

Please note when using the documentation below:

  • There is a difference between api.ingest… and archiver.ingest…
    • API -> ingest_submission_uuid
    • Archiver -> dsp_submission_uuid
  • Obtain and replace {archiver_api_key} with the key obtained by running the following cmd (replace dev with staging or prod depending on the environment):
    • specify if prod/staging/dev
       aws --region us-east-1 secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id ingest/archiver/wrangler/secrets --query SecretString --output text | jq -jr .prod_archiver_api_key
    • If you can’t retrieve the archiver service api key using this command, it is likely because you do not have the required permissions. Ask a dev or wrangler to obtain the key

Archiver endpoints

There are currently 3 environments that you can use for the archiver:

  1. Corresponding to DSP test environment
  2. Corresponding to DSP test environment
  3. Corresponding to DSP production environment

Please make sure you are using the proper endpoint when archiving (Instruction and examples written for the staging environment)

Using the Archiver service

Once a submission is ready in ingest (Archiving status after hitting submit), you need to follow the next steps:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Create a DSP submission given an ingest submission UUID with a POST request
    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Api-Key: {archiver_api_key}' -d '{"submission_uuid": "{ingest_submission_uuid}", "alias_prefix": "HCA", "exclude_types": ["sequencingRun"] }'

    Please note this is an async request and even if it’s successfully triggered (You will get a response saying that), it may take a while to create the submission.

  3. Retrieve the DSP submission UUID via the ingest submission UUID

    curl -X GET  -H 'Api-Key: {archiver_api_key}'<ingest_submission_uuid>

    TThis request should give you the latest archive submission entity in Ingest. The entity contains the DSP submission UUID in the json response, it also gives the full DSP submission url.

  4. Check if submission is submittable

    Check validation errors

     curl -X GET<dsp_submission_uuid>/validationErrors -H 'Api-Key: {archiver_api_key}' 

    Check any submission blockers

     curl -X GET<dsp_submission_uuid>/blockers -H 'Api-Key: {archiver_api_key}' 

    Ignore the following if there are no validation errors nor submission blockers.

    If there are validation errors, we may have to fix something in the archiver’s conversion, in which case we need to delete the archive submission entities in Ingest and DSP submission and start from Step 1: Submit for Archiving) again.

    Get AAP token needed to delete DSP submission:

     curl -u hca-ingest:<aap-password> > aap.jwt
     export AAP_TOKEN=`cat aap.jwt`

    The hca-ingest is the AAP username of the Archiver service and the password should be in the AWS secrets ingest/prod/secrets , see the value for aap_api_password. Only an Ingest developer has an access to this.

    Delete the DSP submission:

     curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $AAP_TOKEN" <dsp-url>

    Please also delete the archive submission entity created to track this DSP submission in Ingest. For this request, you need to use the Ingest API token which you can get from the Ingest UI.

     curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $INGEST_API_TOKEN" <ingest-archive-submission-self-url>

    If there are validation errors/blockers and we couldn’t resolve ourselves, pls contact or in the #data-submission-portal slack channel

  5. Once the archive metadata entities are validated, to finish the submission, just run the following request to complete the submission:
     curl -X POST<dsp_submission_uuid>/complete -H 'Api-Key: {archiver_api_key}' 

Step 3 - Submit sequencing runs directly to ENA

Follow Step 3 (Submit new sequencing runs) of Update ENA runs SOP page.