Managed access project - Data Transfer SOP

Once the data contributor has notified the HCA data wrangler that they have completed the metadata spreadsheet, the wrangler can give them access to the secure storage area

Data and metadata upload prerequisites

To upload data to the AWS secure storage area using the hca-util tool contributors need credentials and their project’s area uuid. Credentials for hca-util tool must be zipped and password protected.

  1. Send an email addressed only to the contributor containing the area’s uuid and instructions on how to upload files using the hca-util tool
  2. Send an email addressed only to the contributor containing the zipped credentials
  3. Send an email addressed only to the contributor containing the password for the zipped credentials

Template emails

Data and Metadata Upload

  1. Send the contributor these instructions, explaining how to securely transfer their data to their assigned secure storage area, using the template below.
  2. Ask the contributor to email the helpdesk advising when they have successfully uploaded data and metadata to their secure area

Verify Upload

Once the contributors have notified the wrangler that the upload is complete:

  1. Check the contents of the secure storage area - make sure the spreadsheet is there
  2. Confirm with the contributor the name of the metadata spreadsheet and the number of files uploaded

If the hca-util area contains the expected files proceed to the Managed access project - Data and metadata review and export SOP )

Email templates

Dear < Contributor Name >

The identifier for your project is: To upload files to the secure AWS storage area please refer to [this guide]( You should receive the credentials needed to access the area soon, if you have any issues please let me know. Please let me know when you’ve completed the upload of data and metadata so that we can proceed with the submission.

Best regards < Your Name >

Dear < Contributor Name >

Attached at the end of the email you will find a zip file with the credentials you need for the hca-util tool to upload your data. I will send you a separate email for the password of the zip file. Please treat these credentials securely and do not share them with anyone.

Best regards < Your Name >

Dear < Contributor Name >

The password to open the credentials zip file is: < password >

Best Regards < Your Name >