Updating the ZOOMA datasource

Table of contents

  1. Background
  2. How to run the scripts
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Step by step process
      1. Searching for projects after a certain date
      2. Getting ontologies from a list of project uuids
      3. Review the Ontologies reports
        1. Summarised table of curations from most recent harvest per project
        2. Summarised table of curations from most recent harvest
        3. Summarised table of curations from full ZOOMA file
        4. Full table of curations from most recent harvest
        5. Full table of curations from full ZOOMA data source
      4. Push to github
    3. Outline of script algorithm
      1. harvest_ontologise.py
      2. ontology_mappings_extractor.py


“ZOOMA is an application for discovering optimal ontology mappings, developed by the Samples, Phenotypes and Ontologies Team at EBI. It can be used to automatically annotate “properties” (plain text, descriptive values about biological entities) with “semantic tags” (ontology classes).” - ZOOMA about page

By generating a ZOOMA data source from our ontology curations, we can save the work we do to manually curate ontology terms so that our manual curation work can be used to automate curations.

The ZOOMA data source is a large tab-delimited text file that contains ontology curations from all the studies in ingest. Ontology curations should be de-duplicated per project so there is a one-to-one mapping between an ontology term and the text value that was entered for a particular metadata field.

The columns in the file are:

Column name Description
STUDY project.project_core.project_short_name
BIOENTITY the ‘type’ of metadata entity, e.g. donor_organism, cell_line
PROPERTY_TYPE the specific field, e.g. organ, unit, genus_species
PROPERTY_VALUE the ‘text’ term entered into ingest for the ontologised field
SEMANTIC_TAG the full iri of the ontology id entered into ingest

In order to keep the ZOOMA data source up-to-date, scripts have been written to automate harvesting the ontology curations from ingest and create the text file that is used as a data source. When this updated source is pushed to the github repo, it is automatically picked up and used when the ZOOMA database is updated.

Current challenges in this approach include:

  • if incorrect ontology curations exist in ingest, they may leak into our data source and perpetuate automated incorrect curations
  • if a particular entity gets updated, does the old entity still exist and we end up with both the old and new curation?

For any help with ZOOMA data source stuff, please reach out to the SPOT team, specifically Henriette Harmes or James McLaughlin.

How to run the scripts


  • Python 3+
  • local copy of ebi-ait/hca-ebi-wrangler-central
  • python 3 virtualenv with ebi-ait/hca-ebi-wrangler-central/src/requirements.txt installed

Step by step process

  1. Go to your local ebi-ait/hca-ebi-wrangler-central/src repo and pull the latest version
cd /path/to/repo/hca-ebi-wrangler-central/src
  1. Activate your virtualenv with the ebi-ait/hca-ebi-wrangler-central/src/requirements.txt installed

Searching for projects after a certain date

This method should be useful to run after each release.

  1. Get an authorisation token from ingest
    1. Go to ingest ui https://contribute.data.humancellatlas.org/projects
    2. Right click anywhere on page and select ‘Inspect’
    3. In the inspect console, click ‘Network’
    4. Click one of the lines that begins projects?
    5. Scroll until you see the Authorization: Bearer in the Request headers and copy the large string of numbers, letters and symbols ey....
  2. Run the harvest_ontologies.py script with entering the date when it was last run and an authorisation token from ingest.
python harvest_ontologies.py -d YYYY-MM-DD -t AUTH_TOKEN

The script first searches all projects in ingest that were submitted after the given date that have either Exported or Completed status, and saves project uuids into a file called outputs/YYYY-MM-DD_project_uuids.txt.

It then uses the list of project uuids to search all ontology curations in these projects and saves them to a file called YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm_property_mappings.tsv.

Finally it joins the latest found property mappings with the ZOOMA source file current_zooma_import.txt.

Getting ontologies from a list of project uuids

If you already have a list of project uuids you wish to harvest ontology curations from and add to the ZOOMA data source, an ingest token is not required.

Expected file input is a tab delimited text file with no header where the first column contains project uuids.

python harvest_ontologies.py -f uuid_file.txt

To see other optional flags, use

python harvest_ontologies.py -h

Review the Ontologies reports

To view some summarised tables of curations from the Data source run:

python generate_ontology_curation_reports.py

This script creates a web app with interactive tables that can be filtered and searched to help with detecting ontology curation errors.

The tables generated are:

Summarised table of curations from most recent harvest per project

This table summarises the count of ontology curations per ontology term per project for the most recent ontology harvest, then sorts them in descending order by curation count.

The idea being that if there are many curations for a single ontology term, that there may have been an error. These terms may also indicate that more specific terms need to be added to the underlying ontology to better capture the specified text.

Summarised table of curations from most recent harvest

This table summarises the count of ontology curations per ontology term across all projects that were imported in the latest harvest.

Summarised table of curations from full ZOOMA file

The same summary as above but for all curations in the zooma file, rather than the most recent harvest.

Full table of curations from most recent harvest

Non-summarised view of the most recent run of the harvest script. (Same as opening the src/outputs/YYYY-mm-dd_HH_MM_property_mappings.tsv in excel)

Full table of curations from full ZOOMA data source

Non-summarised view of the full ZOOMA data source. (Same as opening the src/outputs/current_zooma_import.txt in excel)

Reviewing the tables in this report can help with detecting ontology curation errors before they are made a part of the ZOOMA data source.

Push to github

Once you have reviewed the ontologies and are happy for the ontology curations to be added to our ZOOMA datasouce, push the changes to master.

Each Sunday, ZOOMA will automatically be rebuilt with the current_zooma_import.txt file.

Outline of script algorithm

Attempt at english words to describe scripts. Also see docstrings.


search_ingest method If update date specified:

  • search ingest using the sorted projects endpoint Iterate over each project in ingest If a project has an update_date before the specified date: get the submissions envelopes for the project For each submission envelope If the submission envelope was updated before the update_date: If the submission has status ‘Exported’ or ‘Complete’ add the project to the list and save to a file of uuids When you get to a project past the update_date, stop searching

get_ontology_mappings wrapper around the ontology_mappings_extractor.py script, uses a file of uuids to extract the ontology mappings.

Once ontology mappings have been extracted, concatenate the most recent _property_mappings.tsv file to the current_zooma_import.txt file.


Given a list of project uuids For each project uuid: For each submission in the project: For each biomaterial, protocol and file entity: For each field: If its an ontology field: Save the field, text and ontology information to file