Dataset acknowledgement

Table of contents

  1. Purpose of this document
  2. Who
  3. When
  4. How
    1. Semi-automated dataset mining
      1. Requirements
      2. Populate Ingest from single cell database
        1. Scope of the script
        2. Running the script
        3. Manual curation after addition
      3. ENA
      4. ArrayExpress
    2. Manual ad-hoc dataset addition

Purpose of this document

This document defines the who, when and how to acknowledge datasets as an “up-and-running” operational task. By ‘acknowledgement’, it’s meant how to add datasets to Ingest as potential datasets to wrangle and include in the HCA DCP.


A wrangler in the operation team, decided at the beginning of the sprint, will be the person responsible for acknowledgement of newly published datasets. The decision is recorded every sprint in the Operations planning notes.

In addition, anyone, at any time, may add published papers/preprints/datasets to Ingest, provided they follow this process and fill in the fields according to the agreed requirements and conventions.


At any point before halfway through the sprint, the wrangler/person responsible needs to run the scripts. This only needs to be done once per sprint.


Semi-automated dataset mining


  • Python3 (note: python 3.8 works, 3.10 is not supported yet)
  • Clone the hca-ebi-dev-team repo if you haven’t already and install the requirements:
     git clone
     cd scripts/populate_ingest/
     pip install -r requirements.txt

Populate Ingest from single cell database

Scope of the script

This script compares data between ingest and the database, using doi, accessions and title, filters data using eligible organisms, technologies and measurements and populates ingest with the new entries from database.

Currently, the script is able to populate the project title, description, publication, funders, contributors, accessions, cell count and species. The technology, organ, and data access fields have to be manually curated and entered.

Running the script

1) Go to the scripts/populate_ingest/ folder inside your cloned version of the hca-ebi-dev-team repository

2) Create a .env file in scripts/populate_ingest/. Specify the relevant ingest api url and ingest api token in this file. For instructions on how to obtain the token see this guide.
To run against dev:

    INGEST_API_TOKEN="Bearer <dev authentication token>"
```    To run against **prod**:

    INGEST_API_TOKEN="Bearer <prod authentication token>"
```    By default, the script runs in dry-run mode, avoiding API operations

4) Run python -m populate_ingest.populate_ingest_from_nxn

The script runs against local host, in dry-run mode by default

To run in write mode, and write to ingest, use the w flag, e.g. python -m -w

The logs can be found at scripts/populate_ingest/nxn_db.log. If you are having trouble running the script make sure that the token is still valid, it will expire after a few hours.

The uuids of the projects created in ingest can be found at scripts/populate_ingest/added_uuids.txt.

The projects that would get created in ingest can be found at scripts/populate_ingest/projects_to_be_added.json; this is helpful for checking which projects would get created in ingest, when running the script in dry-run mode

The slice of nxn_db with new, valid projects is also exported as scripts/populate_ingest/new_nxn_data.tsv

Manual curation after addition
  1. Find out the datasets that were just added (You can look at the output of the script)
  2. Go to the project page, and curate the following from the paper:
    • Technology: Add the library preparation technologies
    • Organ: Add the organs used in the experiment
    • Cell count: Add how many cells were generated in the paper
    • Data access: Fill in the type of data access (Managed, open, mix, it’s complicated)
    • Release date: Add today’s date
    • Publications: Check if it’s an HCA paper by looking for the string “Human cell atlas”
    • Contributors/funders: If a required text field is missing, add unspecified. This will be curated when working on the project.
    • Accessions: Make sure that all accessions mentioned in the paper are present
    • Status: Change the status to eligible or non-eligible
    • Priority: Set the priority based on the chart below

Priority chart

Priority number Requisites (Any/All)
1 HCA paper, Contributor
2 Primary tissue, Human data, literature
3 Other

Edge case 1 (Reanalysis paper): Add everything aside from cell count, set cell count to 0, status “not eligible”

Edge case 2 (Review paper): Add everything aside from cell count and accessions, set cell count to 0, status “not eligible”


[WIP/Need Dev script to parse ENA API]


[WIP/Need dev script to parse AE API]

Manual ad-hoc dataset addition

When needed, datasets can also be added manually. First, make sure to check that the dataset is not duplicated by searching in Ingest by DOI, project title or project accession. This can be checked too while trying to create a new project based on DOI or GEO accession, as Ingest will search for them in the database to avoid duplication.

When the dataset is not present, please fill in at least the following information:

  • Accessions: If available, add the corresponding data accessions.
  • Data access: Fill in the type of data access (managed, open, mix, it’s complicated).
  • Organism: Indicate the organism, generally human.
  • Organs: Indicate the organs used in the experiment.
  • library preparation: Indicate the technology used to generate the library preparations.
  • Living eu donors: When human, indicate if they were living EU citizens when the samples were collected on the admin area, under the notes section) .
  • Cell count: Add the number of cells sequenced in the experiment, or at least an approximation
  • Broker to archives: If data comes from contributor and need to broker to ENA, add this to the notes section at the admin area.
  • Broker to scea: Always check if the dataset is eligible for SCEA based on their guidelines. If it is eligible for SCEA, please indicate this in the notes section of the admin area.
  • Contributors: If available, fill in the contributors section
  • Publications: If a publication or pre-print is available, fill in the publications section, including the DOI and PMID if available. If it is an offical HCA publication, don’t forget to tick the Official HCA Publication checkbox.
  • Admin Area: Remember to set the wrangling status as elegible, and set the wrangling priority based on the priority chart.