git commands

The following wrangler tools are related to using git. When working in the terminal, there are a few useful git commands to remember. To use them, you must have run git clone <repo> locally to get a copy of the repository and you must be currently located somewhere in the cloned git folder.

  1. git status - check what changes have been made locally to the git repo.
  2. git add . - prepare (stage) all the files in the current directory (recursively) you have changed for committing back to the repo. Replace . with a specific file or regex to target ony specific file(s).
  3. git commit -m "Message" - commit your staged changes. Include a helpful commit message.
  4. git push - Push your committed changes to the repo.
  5. git pull - Pull any remote changes into your local repo.
  6. git pull origin <branch> - Pull any remote changes from an upstream branch and merge with your current branch. Used during release process.
  7. git reset --hard origin/master - Get rid of any local changes and revert to the current state of master branch
  8. git checkout <branch> - Switch to a specific branch locally.
  9. git checkout -b <new_branch> - Create a new branch from the current branch and switch to it.

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