Uploading data with hca-util

Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installation
    1. Checking Python 3 installation
    2. Installing hca-util with pip
    3. Installing hca-util in a virtual environment
  3. Configuring hca-util
  4. Selecting your upload area
  5. Uploading files
  6. Deleting files
  7. Help!
  8. Updating hca-util


hca-util is a command line based tool that assists with data upload to HCA upload areas. To be able to use hca-util you will need:

  1. Python3 installed on your computer
  2. Basic knowledge of how to navigate the command line and run commands in a terminal, e.g. cd, ls, pwd
  3. Credential information emailed to you by your wrangler. If you don’t have the following information, please email wrangler-team@data.humancellatlas.org to obtain these credentials.
    1. A unique identifier that identifies your personal upload area. This should be kept secure and not shared with others outside your research group. e.g. 72ca5e3f-dacf-427a-a8a4-ecf15789006d
    2. Your AWS access key e.g. AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE
    3. Your AWS secret key e.g. je7MtGbClwBF/2Zp9Utk/h3yCo8nvbEXAMPLEKEY.

    Keep these credentials safe and do not pass them to users who should not have access to upload files or see the files you have uploaded. In particular, do not record these credentials in any public place such as a public Github repository.

If you are missing any of the prerequisites above, please contact wrangler-team@data.humancellatlas.org for guidance.


Checking Python 3 installation

Check that you have Python 3 installed by opening a terminal and running the following command:

which python3

It should return the location of your Python 3 installation e.g.


If nothing is returned it means you do not have Python 3 installed.

There are many tutorials online for installing python so please follow one that makes sense to you and suits your operating system or contact your system administrator for help. One example can be found here: https://realpython.com/installing-python/

Installing hca-util with pip

Once you have installed Python 3, in your terminal run the following command to install hca-util

pip3 install hca-util

Once installed, you can see the available commands by typing the following command in your terminal.

hca-util -h

If this succeeds continue to the configuration section.

Depending on your Python installation you may need to use sudo to install the tool in your system directory. If the above command gives a Permission denied error, try using the following command:

sudo pip3 install hca-util

You will then be prompted for your system password. If this succeeds continue to the configuration section below.

Installing hca-util in a virtual environment

If the above process fails we recommend creating a virtual environment to install the hca-util tool.

To create an environment called hca_util_env, use the following commands:

cd /location/of/virtual/env
python3 -m venv hca_util_env
source hca_util_env/bin/activate

After running the source command you should see the name of the environment in brackets at the beginning of the terminal line i.e (hca_util_env) and you should be able to install and run the hca-util tool within this environment as follows:

pip3 install hca-util

You can now continue with configuring the tool.

Configuring hca-util

The first time you use the tool it will need to be configured. The configuration creates an AWS profile called hca-util that will give you the appropriate permissions to upload to your upload area.

To configure use the following command with the AWS access key and AWS secret key that you should have received via email.


This would look something like:

$ hca-util config AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE je7MtGbClwBF/2Zp9Utk/h3yCo8nvbEXAMPLEKEY
Credentials saved.
Valid credentials

Selecting your upload area

Once configured, you need to select your upload area using the identifier you have been provided via email.

hca-util select <YOUR IDENTIFIER>

For example:

$ hca-util select 72ca5e3f-dacf-427a-a8a4-ecf15789006d
Selected 72ca5e3f-dacf-427a-a8a4-ecf15789006d

You are now ready to upload files to your upload area!

Uploading files

Once your upload area is selected you can use the upload command upload the files related to your project into the upload area. The command works by specifying either a path to a file, a space separated list of paths to files, or a path to a directory. Sub-directories of a provided directory path are ignored.

To upload a single file or space-separated list of files, specify the relative or absolute path to each file after the upload command. If files have spaces they must be escaped or enclosed in quotes:

hca-util upload /path/to/file/file1.txt "/path/to/file/file 2.txt"

This could look something like:

$ hca-util upload /path/to/file/sample1_R1.fastq.gz /path/to/file/sample1_R2.fastq.gz
/path/to/file/sample1_R1.fastq.gz 2845965046 / 2845965046.0  (100.00%)
/path/to/file/sample1_R2.fastq.gz 2845965046 / 2845965046.0  (100.00%)

$ hca-util upload /path/to/file/sample1_R1.fastq.gz "/path/to/file/dissociation protocol.pdf" /path/to/file/enrichment\ protocol.pdf
/path/to/file/sample1_R1.fastq.gz 2845965046 / 2845965046.0  (100.00%)
/path/to/file/dissociation protocol.pdf 354 / 354.0  (100.00%)
/path/to/file/enrichment protocol.pdf 354 / 354.0  (100.00%)
Successful upload.

To upload all files in a directory, specify the path to the directory or use the . operator to upload all files in your current working directory:

hca-util upload .

This would look something like:

$ hca-util upload .
sample1_R1.fastq.gz  2845965046 / 2845965046.0  (100.00%)
sample1_R2.fastq.gz  2845965046 / 2845965046.0  (100.00%)
sample2_R1.fastq.gz  2845965046 / 2845965046.0  (100.00%)
sample2_R2.fastq.gz  2845965046 / 2845965046.0  (100.00%)
dissociation protocol.pdf 354 / 354.0  (100.00%)
enrichment protocol.pdf 354 / 354.0  (100.00%)

To check if all the files you expected to upload are present in your upload area use the list command

This should look something like:

hca-util list
72ca5e3f-dacf-427a-a8a4-ecf15789006d/dissociation protocol.pdf
72ca5e3f-dacf-427a-a8a4-ecf15789006d/enrichment protocol.pdf

By default the upload command won’t upload files that have the same name as files already present in the upload area. If you do need to overwrite an uploaded file with a file of the same name, you will need to use the -o flag. For example:

$ hca-util upload -o /path/to/file/sample1_R1.fastq.gz
/path/to/file/sample1_R1.fastq.gz 2845965046 / 2845965046.0  (100.00%)


* If you change your mind and wish to cancel the upload hit ctrl + c to cancel the upload.

* If there are sub-directories within a folder these will be ignored so please ensure all files to be uploaded are within provided path.

Deleting files

To delete files from your upload area use the delete command.

To delete a single file or list of specified files, use the delete command with the filename.

hca-util delete <FILENAME>

For example:

$ hca-util delete sample1_R1.fastq.gz
Deleting 72ca5e3f-dacf-427a-a8a4-ecf15789006d/sample1_R1.fastq.gz  Done.

To delete all files in the selected area, use the -a flag with the delete command. For example:

$ hca-util delete -a
Confirm delete all contents from 72ca5e3f-dacf-427a-a8a4-ecf15789006d/? Y/y to proceed:
72ca5e3f-dacf-427a-a8a4-ecf15789006d/dissociation protocol.pdf
72ca5e3f-dacf-427a-a8a4-ecf15789006d/enrichment protocol.pdf
$ hca-util list
No item

If you cannot delete files from your upload area but would like to, please email wrangler-team@data.humancellatlas.org.


If you have any issues with uploading files or using the hca-util tool, please email wrangler-team@data.humancellatlas.org.

Source code for tool can be found on github here: https://github.com/ebi-ait/hca-util

Updating hca-util

Periodically there will be updates to the tool to fix bugs and release new features. The latest version of the tool can be installed using the upgrade command.

$ pip3 install --upgrade --no-cache hca-util
Successfully installed hca-util-0.2.3

We suggest using the no-cache flag in order to avoid issues relating to storing old packages.

You can also check the version of the tool:

$ hca-util --version
hca-util 0.2.3