December Community Call - Lung


Martijn Nawijn - Pathology & Medical Biology, GRIAC Research Institute, University Medical Center Groningen

Lisa Sikkema - Fabian Theis lab, Helmholtz Centre Munich


Video recording:


Key learnings

  • Many groups working on lung across Europe and US, different aspects - development, disease, adult lung, mouse lung
  • Some groups collect extended annotation towards location of the sample within the organ (Pascal Barbry)
  • Fabian Theis’ lab - effort to understand variation - both normal and abnormal - by integration of many different datasets - based on the provided metadata
  • The more metadata the better to identify batch effects

Needs from the community

  • Align metadata within the Lung community
  • Integrate different data within the Lung community
  • Determine what metadata is needed for the imaging data - FISH
  • Documenting location of origin of the sample
  • Basic demographic data, clinical/smoking data, etc
  • Use of ontologies to ensure interoperability
  • Collect as much metadata as possible to enable batch effect correction

Ideas for how to action

  • Organ specialists to collaborate with ontology experts to review existing ontologies, suggest addition of new ones
  • Collect additional metadata (clinical data) - this is helpful for batch correction
  • Provide guidelines, document best practices for depicting the location of origin of sample
  • Find out a way to link overview images of the sample to the data submission to the HCA
  • Expand HCA metadata to support imaging experiments

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